Monday, November 10, 2008

Rooty toot toot!

Happy Monday everyone! How was your weekend?
I spent mine working, so I'm a bit pooped. I'm working tonight too, so I'm heading off to nap in a bit. But I'm so excited, I had to blog to share some good news from Leslie at Treasured Scrapbooking:

The new Design Team is (in no particular order):

returning from the previous DT:
Lisa (justlisa)
Michelle L. (alysmom)
Julie (juliesaddiction)
Shirley (Shirley)
Tracey (TraceyT)

and our new DT members:
Laura (laurajean)
Abbie (AbbieT)
Debbie (debbiefitz)
Cherrie (floridagirl)
Cristal (pinky)

I'm just thrilled to be part of this talented group of scrappers and can't wait to get started! Leslie puts together some gorgeous kits and is one all around sweet lady. Thanks Leslie for this opportunity!

Next, I need to share a non scrapbook related toot, for my son, Colin. Here he is with his report card:

And here is a closeup - check out these grades!

We're so proud of him. THe whole report card is amazing, but math has always been a challenge for him - so getting an "A" is a huge accomplishment. He was actually skipping with glee as he left the school building. I was so happy for him, I got all misty!

Anyway, I think I hear my bed calling me, so have a great day, everyone!


AbbieTorroll said...

Congrats girl!! I can't wait to work with ya!! Your work is amazing! Has such a cool artsy feel!

Dolores said...

Congrats Debbie, I'm really excited for you!

Gina said...

Congrats girl!!!!!